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Take your safety program online FOR FREE!!!


 allows your employees to choose their award...

...and all awards are shipped directly to their home at no charge!


 will track and manage employee points and award choices for you! 


 is a no-frills solution for small companies to maximize their safety budget

  • No Setup Fees
  • No Monthly Fees
  • No Minimum Award Purchases
  • Perfect for companies of all sizes--small to large!!


 is packed with these features to make management of your safety program EASY!! 


SafetyPoint Features Description of Functionality
Website Look & Feel Includes your logo, your home page image, and your welcome message
Heirarchy Includes 1 program adminstrator and all other employees under this role
Employee Enrollment Your employees are all loaded by Excel Spreadsheet
Points Uploads Your employees points can by bulk loaded by Excel Spreadsheet
Employee Email Employees will receive email notices for program enrollment and each time they are awarded points.  The email template can be customized with your logo & text.
Simple Point Adjustment                      Program Administrator can add discretionary points adjustments at any time.
Reports Multiple reports available with on screen review and option to export to Excel.
Online Gallery Lifestyle merchandise available to all participants within the US (over 5,000 items)
Mobile Ready Your employees can access the site from their IOS or Android devices
Customer Service Experts available by phone and email to help with any program issues
100% Guarantee All merchandise can be returned if the employee is not 100% satisfied



Start your program today and go live in as few as 3 weeks!!! 


For more information, click on one of the options below: